Sepia Saturday – Monuments, Statues and Flags

From the little brown suitcase come 3  sepia photographs for this weeks post.

In 1935 the Minyip Progress Association commissioned a monument for James Farrer, who was highly regarded for his contributions to the development of a wheat strain that would withstand disease (especially rust) and harsh Australian conditions as well as to produce high yields. The strain  that was the  most commonly used in the twenties was called Federation.

For about 30 years the monument stood at the intersection of Main and Church Street Minyip. Minyip Main St 1940's 2

But with the increasing volumes of traffic it came to be considered a hazard, so in 1963 it was moved to the Sports ground. Finally in 1972 it found a home in the grounds of the Senior Citizens Club RoomsMinyip_Farrer_Monument

Flags have played a prominent part in local groups in Minyip too.

The Caledonian Society had its own flag and was proudly carried at the head of this group as they prepare to march, probably in the early 1900’s.

March with pipers

When we were cleaning out the old home in Minyip some years ago we found this flag carefully wrapped and put in a cupboard and probably forgotten about. It was in need of some repair. We offered it to the Minyip Historical Society, who in turn suggested we donate it to the Melbourne Museum. The Museum accepted it and said that when funds allowed they would restore it.

The  Men’s PFA (Presbyterian Fellowship Association) was another local group with its own flag.pfaL to R. Wally Trudinger, Don Grant, Clarrie Barham, Roy Penny, Rev Bill McIlroy, James Moulton, David Coutts, Hal Penny

Further images and stories on Sepia Saturday for Statues, Monuments and Flags my be found at 

SS Mar 22